

My first memories of reading romance was when I was really young and I would sneak and read the Western love stories, my grandmother kept on her bedside table.  Although I didn’t understand half of the words I read at the time, something about those books captured my attention and as I grew older, my love of romance expanded to other genres and I became a fan of anything remotely related to reading such as libraries, bookstores, and the coffeeshop around the corner.  I had no idea I would ever write a romance novel and now I have written several with a passion for more.  I love to travel and have lived in several cities, including New Orleans, Washington D.C. and Houston.  I find inspiration for my stories from every place I have had the fortune to visit or inhabit. When I’m not obsessed with my latest characters or managing my own business, I love to spend time with myself, family, and friends doing whatever I can to create daily moments of enjoyment.


These were questions asked by my publisher (Gardenavenuepress.com) so readers could get to know me a little more and I thought it would be cool to share on my site…

What was the first concert you ever went to?New Edition

Do you have any crazy roommate stories? I actually have several crazy roommate stories, though I will share two. I don’t know if I just attract the crazies or maybe I’m the crazy (LOL!). I thought I had the best roommate in the world because she was so giving until I realized she was stealing my money. She was so good that she would buy gifts and borrow from me and pay me back with my own money! I had another roommate who hated me so much and made my life a living hell. After she began to scare me with her unwarranted hatred, I had my other roommate guard the front door, so I could search her room for any evidence that she was out to get me. Luckily, I didn’t find any weapons (whew!), but I did find and read her diary (hey, I was 20 years old) and in it she cursed my name and wished me harm. I ended up in therapy for one session to deal with her foolishness. Literally, my roommate drove me crazy (at least for a moment)…

Do you remember your first crush? What happened with that person? Yes, and I remember his first and last name and I was in the third grade. Why do you remember first and last name of your classmates? Maybe because it’s how the teachers call the roll or it’s just how we remember our classmates. We definitely don’t say the whole names of people who you meet as an adult. I have no idea what happened to him because I moved to another city when I was in the fifth grade, but I will always remember how excited I was to go to school each day.

What’s the worst job you’ve ever had? I had several horrible jobs just to make ends meet. The worse one or at least the most unbelievable was a telemarketer who sold boats. I’m like who would buy a boat from a random sales person on the phone? Needless to say, I sold no boats and I lasted three whole days before I just didn’t show up to work anymore. It’s a tie between that and KFC where I felt like a bumbling idiot and could only handle the fries and biscuits.

What’s the best job you’ve ever had? I worked at a counseling center on a University campus and I had a wonderful view of a Magnolia tree in the spring.

Which celebrity do you shamelessly follow in the news? Michael B Jordan! I have been a fan since Fruitvale Station and it has been amazing to watch his star shine brighter over the years. I was lucky to attend a party he hosted in New Orleans and it was a blast and he appeared to be humble, friendly, and likeable. And more importantly, he looked even better in person!

Quick answers: Favorite perfume? Happy Favorite ice cream? Don’t like ice cream but if I had to choose cherries jubilee Favorite season? Fall Favorite color? Purple Coffee or tea? Tea Cats or dogs? Cats though I’m allergic

What genres do you like to read? Fiction, Romance, YA, occasional thrillers

If all your clothes had to be one color forever, what color would you pick? Black and not because it’s slimming.  

What’s the coolest gift you’ve ever received? My family cleaned my bedroom and closet and if you knew how I lived, you would understand why it was the coolest gift.

Writing-wise, what are you working on? I work on several at once until one keeps my energy; currently two sequels and an original romance

What’s the hardest part about being a writer? Not having the time to write currently and of course getting my work out to the world.

What’s the best part about being a writer? I can escape into another world and be apart of someone’s world. Although these are characters I created, I really feel like they are real when I’m thinking about them and what they would do in particular situations.

When you were a kid, what career did you want to have? I honestly had no ambitions except to earn good grades in school because my father was a teacher. I decided to be a journalism major during my last half of my senior year in high school but didn’t even graduate from college with that degree.  I admire people who know what they want to do from a very young age and actually do it.

What is the weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten for breakfast that is not a breakfast food? Probably a turkey burger

In your opinion, what’s the most romantic city in the world? Ooh good question, New Orleans, New York, or Paris.

If you could plan the perfect date, what would it be? Although I am generally not an outdoor person, I love being outside on a clear, crisp, cool, windy day and we can just sit and talk; an outdoor concert would be lovely. I am low maintenance so the company I keep has to have good conversation.

Which album do you find yourself listening to constantly? I used to listen to one person’s album all the time but now it really is a hodge podge of music…I could be listening to Keith Sweat, to Madonna, to Aerosmith, to Shawn Mendes, to New Edition to Maroon 5 to Beyonce and then throw on a little Tupac. I’m all over the place and the only albums I listen to in its entirety are probably most of New Edition albums and the epic Miseducation of Lauryn Hill

What’s the coolest gift you’ve ever given? I had marble coasters created with a map of where my friend lives. It was a like a little puzzle.  Picking good gifts is not my forte but he genuinely loved the gift because he loves maps and wine.

What interesting skill do you want to learn? Speaking another language fluently and playing the drums

What are you thankful for? First, I am thankful that I have a series and a stand-alone novel to be published by GAP in the new year! It’s the perfect way to start off a new year to share my passion with others. I am also thankful for the opportunity to even answer these questions about myself (and I realized I’m not the most romantic person though I love LOVE). Lastly, I am most thankful for and feel very blessed that I have my family, my health, my friends, and most of all this life that I accept with all its beauty and flaws.


Feel free to contact me at tiye28always@gmail.com and follow me on this website and on instagram @tiye28always and facebook @tiye love books.